

You only get to do this once, so let’s do it right.

We get there by starting off on the right foot.

#1. You will not be able to control every element of this thing. Seriously, meditate on that. (What I wish I would have done more of…)
We have to decide our “MUSTS” and release the rest. Let’s set those priorities.

I’ve never been a goals girl. I like visions.

Let’s set yours.

We set visions by thinking about who and how we’ll be at the end of the game.

I encourage you to spend a lot of time just doodling, journaling, dreaming about how you want to feel when you exit your reception or fly back home. Then, sit down in a safe space (clear of distractions) with your fiance and talk about what you both envision.

From here, start to formulate some “must-haves” in order to get to that feeling. Be very up front with yourselves.

From there, it’s time to put it on paper, so that you can always come back to it. Because you’re about to get into all kinds of weeds. When you’re unsure whether or not to invite a distant family member, come back to your vision - did you state that you wanted to feel like an intimate party? Or was your vision more centered on your family reuniting and celebrating together? Your vision will ground you. And it’s totally allowed to change!

My husband Luke and I got married in 2021.

Obviously I wanted our wedding to be 1,001 things all at once, this industry is where I let my creative brain run wild year round. But we set our vision to ground us. Primarily, we wanted our family to be honored by our love. We knew that without them, we wouldn’t even be doing this. We wanted our guests to feel like they really knew us. This led us to tell our story in lots of different ways throughout the day. When we had decided convenience for our guests was a big part of the vision, it made choosing a venue super easy. It guided us along the way.

When you’re ready to consider all the ways in which that vision comes to life, reach out and we’ll chat them all through.
For now, spend time soaking in the joy of being chosen. Set a path of self-forgiveness and peace.

This is going to be amazing.



1 // Set your Vision

2 // Contact all your dream vendors.

Get their availability for the dates you are considering as well as pricing.  

3 // Collect your Guest List 

4 // Formulate Budget 

5 // Set Your Date


paper + printing